
Algorithms, Part 1

Algorithms, Part 1 Week 1 The Three Sum Problem Suppose we have a list of numbers, and we want to find all distinct triples of numbers in the list which sum to 0. Suppose we try all permutations of numbers (a brute force approach). How would we find the running time? Empirical analysis Try to time the program on different input sizes N. Ho...

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CS 247

Professor Caroline Kierstead, Spring 2017 Software engineering principles, a course where attendance is probably correlated with a higher grade. ADT Design Abstract data type (ADT): A user defined class which bundles together data about the class and operations on it e.g. stack, linkedlist. The point is to make the compiler catch illegal...

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Animating Conway's Game of Life on the HTML5 canvas

Conway’s Game of Life, not to be confused with Game of Life or games in general, is a set of simple rules that you apply to a group of cells over several generations. 1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population. 2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours live...

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