CS 343
Professor Peter Buhr, Winter 2018
These notes are incomplete and only cover pre-midterm content.
1. Advanced Control Flow
Use breaks and while to avoid flag variables, flag variables are basically gotos since they can be set/reset/tested at arbitrary points in a program
Don’t do things like
for (;;) {
SE 464
Professor Werner Dietl, Fall 2018
I attended almost no lectures for this course, so notes are organized by slides. These notes turned out to be way more detailed than necessary.
software architecture: set of principal design decisions about the system, blueprint for software construction and evolution. It has 3 aspects: structure/behav...
SE 464 Architecture Assignment - LLVM
LLVM, which originally stood for Low Level Virtual Machine, was a research project into compiler framework design created by Chris Lattner and Vikram Adve at the University of Illinois in 2004. Today, the acronym LLVM has no meaning and instead refers to a collection of open source libraries that provides compilers, compiler toolchains,...
SE 350 Textbook Notes
Chapter 1 - Computer System Overview
1.1 Basic Elements
OS: uses hardware resources of one or more processors to provide a set of services to system users, manages secondary memory and I/O devices
A computer consists of processor, memory, and I/O components.
processor: controls operation of computer and performs processing, (single processor...
ECON 101
Module 1: The Economic Problem
Definition of Economics
Economics: Social science that studies choices that individuals, businesses, government, and societies make as they cope with scarity and incentives.
People have unlimited wants, but resources are finite, so this creates a scarcity. We must then make choices or tradeoffs based on incentiv...
CS 349
Professor Keiko Katsuragawa, Winter 2018
This course teaches the principles of creating user interfaces (UIs) including underlying UI architecture and algorithms, how to implement UIs from scratch and using UI frameworks, theories and methods for UI design, and an introduction to the field of human-computer interaction.
SE 465
Professor Lin Tan, Spring 2018
Lecture 1: Intro
static analysis: inspecting code in a non-runtime environment for bugs e.g. walkthrough code, code inspection
dynamic analysis: monitor system memory/performance and verify that the system has the correct behaviour during program execution e.g. white box or black box testing
Lecture 2: Daikon
Cryptography I
Cryptography I
Week 1
Section 1: What is Cryptography?
Core Crypto
Secure key establishment: Alice and Bob agree on a shared key and have verified each others identities
Cryptography can be used for secure communication, digital signatures, anonymous communication, and anonymous digital cash. These are topics which we will explore more late...
19 post articles, 3 pages.